Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Recent Watches

It's the end of the year and instead of doing a list on my top 10 films of the year or any top ten of anything of 2009, I will just list the movies I have watched this past couple of weeks and review them as well. Review as in putting a smiley face next to my favorite ones from 2009. (I'm feeling lazy)

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Princess and the Frog :)
500 Days of Summer
District 9 :)
The Hangover
Dangerous Liaisons
Married to the Mob
Star Trek :)

I've seen a few of these before but I felt so compelled to rewatch them. Married to the Mob, though ridiculous, is pretty hilarious. It's strange how Michelle Pfeiffer starred in both Married to the Mob and Dangerous Liaisons in the same year.

2009 had a few amazing films, but overall it was an okay year. I used to be part of the Avatar hoopla, in fact I dragged my friends to watch the Avatar preview and waited two hours in line for a 15 minute show. After I watched the actual movie, I had two thoughts about the film, 1. the effects were amazings and 2. the story was too cliched. The reviews I read for the film were glowing, except most of them focused on the effects and how this was going to change cinema. I heard that before.

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