Monday, March 23, 2009

Oooze Gonna Save Us?

Two weeks ago, I went mountain climbing through overgrown vegetation. There were many ice plants and strange orchid varieties and raspberry plants. I thought the only thing I had to worry about was the thorns, but a week later, I developed a rash. Turns out there was poison oak in that area. So now, I am experiencing for the first time, the oozing, the pain, the itching, and the bumps. It looks a lot more disgusting than that time I almost lost my finger. And at least back then I did not want to scratch my legs off.
At the same time, I am suffering from particularly nasty weather. It's too hot for my legs yet it's so cold for my hands that they have started to crack. It's pretty red and bloody. I have blood on my hands, so to speak. AT least it doesn't ooze.

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