I'm back! I haven't seen this blog for a few months. I guess it comes with the fact that I was being a real slouch and couch potato suffering from senioritis. Well, I decided to walk to the computer and start typing again. However, the walk to the computer is actually a 10,000 mile trip from my nice cozy home to a little place called Jakarta. While looking at food blogs today, I realized that I have a blog as well. And while no one reads it, it's a great place for me to put my ideas in a very organized place. If only I could just include the ideas and get rid of the crap. Oh, shit. The possibility of me just coming up with ideas without some philosophical or absurd shit is really humanly impossible.
So, here I am in Indonesia. Way too cynical for a supposedly relaxing vacation. Well, that's what I was thinking would happen when I was way too bored in California. I am not relaxed. To be honest, a few weeks ago I had a panic attack. Unfortunately and stupidly for me, I informed some of the closest people about what I was panicking about. They too, started to panic with me and it soon became a case of the sky falling. I think I might as well keep my obsession with films a secret as my friends and family will be going apeshit on me the moment I let that truth out.
Every day, I am stuck in my relatives' office space. It's quite big, but it's still a prison. My one escape is the internet and the awesome IPod Touch that they have no idea how to use. I am unsuccessfully trying to teach them about it, though. I am now addicted to Reddit, Fazed, Facebook, My Parents Joined Facebook, We Have Lasers!!!!, and True Blood. My idea of the perfect vacation is thus, ruined.
What makes it worst is that fact my relatives and friends are religious. Since Jakarta is such a really awful place if you need transportation, I am stuck with them. I can't drive here; I will probably crash into a motorcyclist and have massive road rage. So, I have to accompany them to church. While I find the entire idea of having billions of fans who worship and never question their faith to be intriguing, I really am not a church person. I never really grew up with a certain religion or a certain God. My parents left me to decide for myself. I am very glad that at least one of my relatives shares my point of view, however, the rest of my relatives and friends here are quite the opposite. I have had six arguments so far about religion, mainly because my relatives have been trying to get me baptized. Thus the reason I am on the computer or any glowing rectangle.
Vacation blows. I can't wait to go home, get to a pool, and start reading books. And watching movies. God knows how much I love movies.
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