I found this image from NASA's website (
link) when I googled Binary Sunset. When I was googling Binary Sunset, I was going through a college fueled mental breakdown. I have a choice. Between the UC system, NYU, and USC. I am not even going to mention Loyola Marymount University because my family has no clue what
that is. I am not even trying to enlighten them about it. So, as I was having a panic attack (this happens only when I have a deadline) I turned to John. John Williams. And listened to the entire Star Wars soundtrack to the chagrin of my neighbors (probably) and to the delight of my childhood desire that I would get into USC's film program. I have been fostering a desire to go to USC since I was fourteen. That was when I discovered The Usual Suspects and began to believe in Bryan Singer. That dream really is a "childhood" dream because I held on to it for so long. And besides, four years does change a person a lot. I grew up but some things did stay the same. Fortunately.
I am so glad I moved on from the lame analysis that Bryan Singer does with the "alienation" theme and have grown attached to Charlie Kaufman's style. But that doesn't mean I won't analyze something that is pretty obvious. At this moment in my life, I am going through what Luke went through. I am on Tatooine looking at the two setting suns. I am about to go on this amazing journey and I have no idea where it will lead me. Yeah, cliched. Whatever. All I know is that tuition will be a hem hem- a problem. Not a big problem, but still an annoying problem.
I need Yoda. And cash.