Tuesday, March 10, 2009

In Search of Some Form of Identity

We all go through it. Who am I? This question seems to pervade all throughout the youth. I don't really have a problem with answering this question anymore. I used to a few years back when I was really dumb and into medicine. Now I realize that I am a person who is attaining for some lofty goal in hopes of controlling the population. So much better than medicine. I think this career path is so much better than my former one, as I think I am better suited to it. One of my favorite novels is 1984 and I have a great liking for Brave New World. How am I going to take control of the masses? Through television. Duh. What better way to become a demagogue than with a outlet where people's minds turn into tapioca? Enough about me though.

I ask this- who are we? Who is the we? We in this case refers to the youth and particularly the ones situated in the US. Which of course includes me. Strange though as it sounds, but I never really identified with that group. With spectacularly British parents (complete with mannerisms, food tastes, the love of pubs, and some mildly depressing moments) I just really thought of myself as the one really without a group. But anyways! This group has no culture. Culture, I have never heard of such a word. I guess consumerism can be part of one's culture. But going to different countries really opened my mind. I pretty much now understand that I don't really belong in any group in particular. I'm with the Tom Hanks character from The Terminal. That's my group.

(Note: I went really off topic this time.)

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