Living a life without worries but filled with any possibility imaginiable is a life many covet. For many people living in a partiular area, this is what is defined as normal. Young children live with so much vitality and love. This is prevalent everywhere. However, when living amongst these "normal" people, these young children bloom into worry free teenagers. Teenagers are not worry free totally, still having to endure stress from school and studies. However the teens here have only that to basically worry about. The rest just does not exist. When these teens grow up, they finally become adults. Either these adults become shocked, thrown into an unknown world that they thought never existed before, or they adjust comfortably, already knowing so much that they have found a decent job. Either way, these young people are thrown
... also, as a note, something entirely unrelated, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be split in to two films.