Friday, July 31, 2009

Bruno! or the first time I ever walked out of a movie theater

I like movies. A lot. So, I was quite sad and disappointed when I saw Sascha Baron Cohen's movie Bruno. There was a lot of hype surrounding this movie, especially since it is his follow up to Borat, which I found hilarious.
First off, I am not a homophobe or a bible preaching Christian. I just happen to be a cinephile who can understand how hard it is to make a decent movie. But what makes me angry and disappointed with Bruno is that the movie is a waste of Cohen's talents.
Bruno is not funny. Sure there are some scenes where I giggled, but overall (overall as in the first hour of the movie) I found the movie to be too desperate for my laugh. Sascha is a talented actor; he can fool anybody including Ron Paul! The material is lame. Most of the gags are used to shock the audience. I knew there was going to be a penis showing up, but I didn't expect a different version of meat spin. Sascha Baron Cohen could have come up with a better script.

I knew I should have watched Moon or 500 days of Summer.

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