Monday, September 15, 2008

My So Called Life

I am terribly angry at the moment. My student life has deteriorated to the point I want to strangle my principals for being uptight assholes.
I would also like to say that Vander Ark guy is a real dumb asshole. If he is so fucking smart, why not just write your own book? Jeez, don't try to make fandom into salable encyclopedias. If you want to sell your work, you might as well analyze the crap out of her books and hope someone will notice your obvious allusions. And really, just get a life. Because of you, I have to post a rant about why I really think you are dumbass. Just ruin my day, why don't you.

I'm not happy at all. I just found out that my school is on the brink of overpopulation self destruction and that the math classes I want are full. Plus I may not be able to go to film school depending on whether my classes are considered "good" enough.
So this life I have, isn't it angsty? Don't you just wanna wear black again and cut your wrists up? No, I don't. I hate angst so I'm trying to make the best of it.

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